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Alberto's short-term stay at UAB (USA)

The Ph.D student from our laboratory, J. Alberto Navarro-García, got a grant from the Spanish Society of Nephrology to make a short-term stay at the University of Alabama at Birmingham from April to July of 2019.

Alberto's thesis is focused on the role of FGF-23 in the connection between chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular alterations associated to this pathology (also called cardiorenal syndrome type IV). At our laboratory, Alberto is studying cardiac function alterations associated to CKD. Dr. Faul's laboratory is a top laboratory focused on cardiac hypertrophy, specially under high FGF-23 conditions. Because of that, Alberto decided to make his Ph.D. stay at Dr. Faul's lab.

During those three months working at Dr. Faul's lab, Alberto presented his thesis results at the Annual FGF-23 symposium in Boston. Alberto has learnt so much about kidney function at the Nephrology Division of the UAB and new techniques from Dr. Faul's lab that will help him to improve his research line.

At the picture, from left to right: Ping Hua (Ph.D., Lab Manager), Isaac Campos, Dominik Kentrump (Ph.D.), Fabian Berru, Christopher Yanucil, Alberto Navarro, Kylie Heitman, Brian Czaya, Beatrice Richter (Ph.D.), Christian Faul (Ph.D., PI), and Stephen Cunningham.


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