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Cardiorenal Lab Group participates in SEH-LELHA

Alberto's oral communication in SEH-LELHA

Elenas's poster presentation in SEH-LELHA

Our PhD students, Elena Rodríguez-Sánchez and J.Alberto Navarro-García, participated last Wednesday, on March 29th, at the 10th Reunión de Investigadores en Fisiopatología Vascular (RIFV) of the 22th congress of the Sociedad Española de Hipertensión y Liga Española para la Lucha contra la Hipertensión Arterial (SEH-LELHA), which was celebrated in IFEMA (Madrid).

Elena presented a poster of her work, titled "ESTRÉS OXIDATIVO Y REMODELADO DELETÉREO EN FUNCIÓN DE LA EDAD Y LA ESTRATIFICACIÓN DEL RIESGO CARDIOVASCULAR" ("Oxidative stress and deleterious remodeling on the basis of age and cardiovascular risk stratification") and Alberto presented an oral communication titled "FGF-23 ALTERA LA FUNCIÓN CONTRÁCTIL E INDUCE UN FENOTIPO PROARRITMOGÉNICO EN EL CARDIOMIOCITO ADULTO" ("FGF-23 alters the contractile function and induces a proarrithmogenic phenotype in the adult cardiomyocyte"). Those were their first communications in a congress, but we are proud to said that they were brilliant speakers.

Gema Ruiz-Hurtado was the chairman together with Dr. Miguel Camafort of two excellent talks focused in the usefulness and applicability of proteomic and miRs analysis in the diagnosis and prognosis of cardiovascular disease. One presented by Dr. Jesús Vázquez (from CNIC) titled "Utilidad de la proteómica en el diagnóstico precoz de la aterosclerosis y aneurismas" and the other one presented by Dra. Marta Fierro (from Severo Ochoa Center of CSIC) titled "Aplicación de los miRNAs en la valoración del riesgo cardiovascular"

We are sure they are going to participate in more congresses very soon!

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